Spirituality is silent, held within and not spoken to others.
There are no words no matter the language that can’t express Spirituality.
Spirituality is like, Reconnection to God or something like that. There are so many names.
Spiritualism simply put is demonstrations many call supernatural. This is the world of Woke New Age Astral antics. In the Astral one can be anything, appear as anything, and fool anyone. It was where one can be degenerate or angelic or both such as the Devil.
I think of Spiritualism as that place being vast yet held by laws and those laws change depending on the disposition or frequency. I call it the Playground of nonsense. The drama of the Universe is contained within the Realms of the Astral which is much larger.
Attempting to explain “What, Where, and Why is” Spirituality is futile. The gurus such as Kabir and Melarepa books are as close as one can get in language. These books were written at the time these two men were talking and living. Jesus was written near 2 centuries after his death and much was lost.
I did not realize I was living the formula my entire life. So simple yet so removed was I from myself I was working for powers and principles that were not mine such as the US Government. These principles were simple.
I was disconnected from my Soul and my attention was on other things prescribed for me since birth, as we all are. Looking back, it seems my life was geared towards War and Fighting thus why I joined the Special Forces. It was during Special Forces that these 4 principles really kicked in gear hardcore on a daily hourly basis. The training was so hard that I was sometimes outside my body watching what was going on. This was startling and these experiences began a deep dive into the world of the “supernatural”. This is how I gained all this knowledge. What I write is not opinion or conjecture it is from remembering. When you connect to your Spirit, you remember. When you connect to your Soul, you are in the river of love, and you want to go home.
I did not know any of this until I came across my friend who mastered Love and taught me about the 4 principles of the Human Condition.
When I connected the dots of how I lived with the Human Condition it was like a series of keys that unlocked what I was and how to remember, and so I began a journey to the Soul.