I discovered through hard work and intense opposition that coming to Earth is no small proposition.
Your destiny is determined by what you accept here, not always what you personally do. I mean exactly this. You are prodded, led, and introduced to other people by beings outside of you for various reason so that you DO entangle yourself in drama of all sorts.
This drama, that is human, can elect and determine your destiny in ways that you cannot control. I am keeping this general on purpose, just get the concept.
First of all, the prodding cajoling forced encounters with other humans will appear as serendipity or chance or God sent. It can appear as guardian angels and even Christ. These are false perceptions on your part induced by beings and ones who just play you to see what they can get away with. It's abhorrent as I observed and experienced this.
What exists are countless billions of IS-BE’s of spirit, semi-physical and physical ones. These supposedly chance encounters manufactured by IS-BE’s at your expense. Whether you're having a wonderful life of money peace harmony or struggling to overcome addiction or just flat gave up, you must realize these events were manufactured by ones you can’t see. And, not always in your best interest.
These IS-BE’s test you challenge you reward you and when caught they play roles like demons gods angels and ETs. It’s a flat out a joke on you.
The joke is on you!
What is an IS-BE? Beings that are! They exist and that Is that it Is. They are Beings and therefore all they do is just BE. The definition of IS-BE.
I discovered this through Dowsing to have my Free Will returned to me. IS-BE’s appeared and tried desperately to make a deal. I was told I was on the mark. I was told not to tell anyone. I was told if I agreed they would leave me alone. If I did not agree they would ruin my life. I asked them in this manner. “This does not sound like free will to me, you are making me bifurcate my free will with a covenant. I disagree”. Then their supervisor showed up and talked to me. He was much smarter than these first guys. They were subservient to this supervisor, foot soldiers. He was smarter and quicker than their mental faculties. But he was a liar and contradicted his promises for my silence. I told them all Piss Off.
Since that day in 2011 my life is destroyed. I have had at least six Near Death and Death happenings. I have estimated, because I do not keep track like others writing books and making people pay to hear their stories. For me, it was just another day. I experienced multiple drownings, multiple motorcycle crashes, multiple car crashes, multiple plane crashes. I was even directly attacked by beings you would call demons and aliens appearing right in my space and sticking hands, arms and swords right through me. It was like, they can reach inside my body and shake my liver or kidney which by the way are damaged and in the last 2 years I have had 20 surgeries.
I learned so much
I began to remember, you would call it waking up
The more I woke up
The greater
More frequent
And a multiplicative array of attacks, adverse human introductions, mental anguish, sexual overdrive and more happened that was occurring all at once. Since 2011 to now, 2025. It still goes on.
You can never let your guard down while on earth.
I can speak for days weeks on this topic alone because I can talk to your influencers and tell your buddies to fuck off and leave you alone but why would I care to? You will bring them back out of ignorance and laziness.
New Age is their playground, not yours. Entering anything new age you give up your free will and mind to things of nonsense. They are called Guides. You are called "one with gifts". It's all bullshit.
The new age playground is the Astral and Causal planes. I call it the Astral Ghetto.
My whole idea here is to be free.
When you finally Realize WHAT YOU ARE, then you can push back on these Ass Holes and tell the PISS OFF. At least this is what I say, because I have been so severely attacked. I advise you don't talk to them in this manner, they will attack you. As for me, I guess I earned the right to cuss them out.